Environmental awareness

For a high-quality environment
“Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents; it was loaned to you by your children.”
(Masai proverb)
We began treating our earth well many years ago – ahead of our time. We call this choice in favour of environmental quality Savio Earth Care.

Working for environmental growth
In 2003 Savio reached an important official milestone when it was awarded theUNI EN ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Certification. This confirmed the efficiency of our environmental management system, which not only keeps environmental impact under control, but also works to improve upon it constantly.
“Only after the last tree has been cut down, only after the last river has been poisoned, only after the last fish has been caught, only then will you find that money cannot be eaten.”
(Sitting Bull, Chief of the Lakota Sioux)
The provocative statement made by the Sioux Chief has never been more relevant than now: it is a powerful incitement to work increasingly harder to harmonise economic growth and “environmental growth”, an activity which must have a rapid positive impact of measurable quality.

Real facts for respecting the environment
So what does Savio do? A lot.
- It only uses fully renewable energy for its manufacturing activities
- 72,7 % of the kw used are produced through cogeneration and photo-voltaic plant
- 30% of the kw produced by cogeneration have been resold
- It reduces the use of industrial water by 75%
- It saves industrial oils up to 40% per year
- It has cut CO² emissions by 67,079 kg by producing energy through a photo-voltaic plant
How to produce environmental quality
The numerous Quality Certifications the company has obtained are proof that it is possible to protect the environment while intervening on other stages of production.
For example, the quality of surface finishes, which is fundamental to the durability of the product and its resistance to atmospheric agents; we achieve this through low environmental-impact technologies, with the greatest attention to the choice of treatments and very careful planning of our manufacturing plants, including the purification stage.
“To forget how to dig the earth and tend the soil is to forget ourselves.”
Those who, on the other hand, are able to remember, as we at Savio aim to, build a future of quality. A future that lies not only in industry and in products but that also fully embraces environmental sustainability and respect as an integral and indispensable part of it.