Our vision
Savio Group is a workshop of ideas for building the future: teams of engineers, architects and designers design your living spaces in synergy.
With respect for the environment, and for every worker.

Savio cares about
Savio Group joins companies from 160 countries around the world that have joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) the global pact of the United Nations that encourages companies to actively promote principles of ethical conduct and responsible business.
The adhesion to the Global Compact commits Savio Group to conjugate the 10 principles sanctioned by the Sustainability Pact and to integrate them in the decision-making processes, consolidating its role of socially responsible company and leader in sustainability. It also encourages the adoption of behaviours in line with the economic, social and environmental criteria that contribute to the company’s success and the wellbeing of the community.
The energy of the sun
All the Group’s plants are equipped with photovoltaic panels that promote the production of clean energy and contribute to the reduction of the emission of 15 thousand tons per year of CO2 into the atmosphere.
Zero plastic
A concrete commitment, since 2019 the Group has completely abolished the use of plastic, both in packaging processes and in internal business processes.
Research &
The in-house Research & Development department, enables the creation of products that combine design and innovation, distinguished by functionality, quality and safety.
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