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Savio quiere ser un verdadero socio de la actividad profesional. Y como tal, una de sus tareas más importantes es garantizar una información puntual, precisa y detallada.

Aquí encontrará una colección completa y actualizada de documentos útiles para los que pertenecen al sector.



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The Data Subject, having read the privacy notice concerning the processing of personal data by SAVIO S.p.A., hereby provides consent:

• With reference to the data processing activities described in Section 3.6 of the Privacy Notice:

For the carrying out of advertising, marketing, and promotional activities through email, postal mail, social networks, SMS, including the distribution of commercial newsletters, offers, promotions, discounts, and invitations to events or exhibitions;

For profiling purposes, through the analysis of purchasing behavior using automated decision-making processes, based on data related to your expenditures, with the aim of improving commercial offers and conducting targeted promotions of products and commercial offers tailored to your profile and preferences, including through surveys and market research.

• With reference to Section 3.7 of the Privacy Notice:

For the subscription to the newsletter to receive information regarding products for sale, ongoing promotions, and personalized offers.